
1 November 2017

We got married - a quick catch up and life update

Hello remember me?! It's been a while since my last blog post and it's safe to say that 2017 hasn't been my best year for blogging. There's been a lot going on behind the scenes though so today I thought I'd share a few highlights from the last few months:
We got married!
After nearly 2 years of planning we got married this July at the beautiful Kew Gardens. In typical British summer style it poured with rain for most of the day but I can honestly say that it didn't matter. If anything it kept everyone together and we both had such a fun day. Our registrars were so lovely and and the ceremony felt so personal and meaningful. We both also loved the bubble confetti and whizzing around the gardens in a golf buggy afterwards for our photos during the reception.

I'm still debating about how best to share wedding content (we had some great suppliers and both learnt so much from the process), but for now feel free to check out my Instagram for more photos and a big shout out to Camilla for capturing our day so beautifully.

Mini-moon in Sorrento and Rome
Our main honeymoon will be next year but just after the wedding we hopped onto a plane for a blissful few days of relaxation and exploring in Sorrento and Rome. I've never been to Italy before but the country is so beautiful and a few days by the sea was just what we needed after all the stress of wedding planning. Wherever you looked the view was just so picturesque in Sorrento and the pasta and gelato unbelievably good. Highly recommended if you're ever looking for a short break or mini-moon.

Personal training and fitness
Like a lot of people I've struggled with health and fitness over the years but at the start of 2017 I decided I wanted to tone up for the wedding so signed up with a personal trainer and it's made such a difference.

We do a combination of strength and cardio which is always a killer but it's reassuring to know that I'm doing all the exercises correctly and getting the most out of every workout. I'm also constantly being pushed and it's surprisingly motivating being able to increase the number of reps or move onto that next weight. For the first time ever I can honestly say I enjoy exercising and I feel a lot happier in myself as a result.

Blogging and the future of Peonies and lilies
At the start of the year I became quite disillusioned with blogging and combined with a broken laptop and hectic schedule Peonies and lilies naturally look a bit of a back seat. I've missed it a lot though and now that the wedding's over and I'm looking forward to sitting down and writing posts again. There'll still be beauty content but I'm hoping to have lots more travel and restaurant reviews as well as a few wedding posts too. 

Photo above from my birthday meal at Hutong at The Shard - look out for a review soon and let me know if you have any blog post requests!

Have you ever been to Sorrento or Rome? How has your 2017 been so far?

Other posts you may like:
Jo Malone bridal consultation - how I chose my perfect wedding fragrance
2016 - the highlights
Life - July/August round up
Life - a little update