
3 May 2016

Taking part in the Aveeno inside & oat challenge

After a fun but unhealthy bank holiday weekend I'm definitely in need of a detox! So this week I'm going to be taking part in the Aveeno Inside & Oat challenge, testing out their skincare and making a few healthy diet and lifestyle changes to see how it affects the way I look and feel:

 Taking part in the Aveeno inside & oat challenge

 Aveeno inside & oat challenge

Over the next 7 days I'll be following a simple six step routine from dermatologist Dr Rajpopat which includes steps such as avoiding long hot shower, exfoliating regularly and getting plenty of sleep in order to allow the skin to regenerate. In addition there's a high intensity workout which I'm going to try every 2-3 days to really get the blood pumping. Aveeno have also kindly send over a hamper of ingredients so I'll be swapping a few of my meals and snacks for alkaline chef Natasha Corrett's healthier alternative too.

Aveeno have always been known for their moisturising lotions and the oat extracts have been clinically proven to increase hydration, soothe, protect and maintain normal skin pH levels. Since getting back from holiday my skin has been particularly dry and dehydrated so I'm really looking forward to seeing if all these changes will make a difference. I'll be documenting my thoughts and meals and will report back with the results in one week's time!

Have you ever tried any Aveeno skincare? Do you have any tips for dry/dehydrated skin?

*Post sponsored by Aveeno

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