
20 May 2016

A luxury cruise along the Thames

One of my favourite things to do in the summer is to spend some time along the river. Whether it's a romantic stroll down Embankment or a spin around the London Eye there's just something so calming about being by the water. So when PG tips invited me on a boat party along The Thames, I didn't hesitate to say yes: 

 Tower Bridge 

 It was a beautifully warm and sunny day and arriving on board the luxury boat we were 
greeted with cups of steaming hot green tea. PG tips have just launched some new flavours 
and the strawberry cupcake one is seriously yummy. A sweet blend of fruits and vanilla, 
it tastes just like it's name sake although a much healthier version!

 The Shard, Millenium Bridge and Tate Modern

 Cheese Grater and Walkie Talkie building

 On board the luxury boat

 Lunch was a delicious spread of antipasti, salads, salmon skewers, artisan bread and 
the most delicious mini fruit tarts. Very picnic inspired and perfect for a sunny day out.

 The trip was to celebrate a little surprise that PG tips had planned and coming 
up to Westminster we spotted this cheeky chappy just chillin in the sunshine!

 Made entirely of painted tea leaves, the PG tips monkey spent Monday 
being towed along Central London surprising both locals and tourists.

 Canary Wharf

 St Paul's Cathedral, The Gherkin, Cheese Grater and Walkie Talkie building

It always amazes me how many famous buildings are by the river and cruising down The Thames we spotted no less than 10 landmarks, including Tower Bridge, The Shard, St Paul's Cathedral and Big Ben. I don't think I stopped taking photos the entire time! I've previously only been on boat parties at night and although they're a lot of fun I never realised how good the daytime ones can be. I definitely stepped off the boat more in love with London and I can't wait to explore more of what the city has to offer this summer.

Have you ever been on a boat tour along the Thames? What are your favourite things to do in London?


  1. Wow that looks amazing and the food looks delicious!! :O

    I have a new post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


    1. Thanks Helen, it was a really lovely boat party x
