
8 April 2016

Hyderabad photo diary - my first Indian wedding!

At the start of March we packed our bags and excitedly made our way to Heathrow Airport for a 10 day trip around India. We were going for a friend's wedding and as it was our first time there we couldn't wait to explore and immerse ourselves in the culture. First stop Hyderabad for the wedding:

 Hyderabad photo diary

Bleary eyed and jet lagged, we stumbled out of the taxi, into this beautiful resort and 
34 degrees tropical heat. Such a welcome after the miserable cold weather back home!

 The day before the wedding it's traditional for the women to have Mehndi (henna) 
done and it was so inspiring to watch the girls at work. Each design was so intricate 
and beautiful and I'm amazed at how quickly they did them all. 

 My Mehndi design

 The rest of the afternoon was ours to relax and explore and it wasn't long before 
we all decided to have a cocktail in the sunshine. There was a large group of us 
there and it was so nice to be all staying at the same resort. 

 The beautiful wedding couple. This was my first Indian wedding and it was such 
an interesting experience. Completely different to a Western wedding, instead a longer
 ceremony full of prayers and rituals and a much more relaxed atmosphere for the guests. 

 The wedding breakfast, so good!

Being a 3 day affair the wedding was really spread out and there was lots of time in 
between for us to just hang out or explore. Some of the others took advantage of the pool 
but being the big kid that I am I couldn't resist going on the swings!

 The evening reception decorations were absolutely beautiful and 
I loved this floral arch with it's ever changing coloured lights.

  The main stage was even more impressive and
 it made a lovely backdrop for all the group photos. 

 With a total of 7 meals over the 3 days we were totally spoilt for food and being a bit of 
a foodie it was so good to try all the authentic Indian cuisine. Everything was vegetarian 
but so well cooked and full of flavour and texture that it was absolutely delicious.

 Being in a hot climate the evenings were so balmy and beautiful and it was so nice to make 
the most of it by having the receptions outside. Sadly all too soon our little Hyderabad adventure 
was over but I can't wait to show you photos from the rest of our trip in Mumbai, Delhi and Agra!

Have you ever been to India? What trips are you looking forward to this year?

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