
18 April 2016

Britannia & Co, Mumbai - Restaurant review

Although we were spoilt for choice for food in India, there were two restaurants which really stood out to me. The first being the famous Britannia & Co in Mumbai:

Located in the south of the city, Britannia & Co serves authentic 
Parsi and Iranian food and is only open for lunch between the hours of 12-4pm.

After a few hours exploring the city, the refreshing home made
lemonade was a real thirst quencher and a much welcome treat.

Unfortunately I didn't manage to get a photo of this dish before it was served up but it was
 a delicious white fish with a savory herb crust. After all the rich curries we'd been eating I
was really craving something light and healthy and this freshly baked fish was just perfect.

Like a lot of Parsi restaurants the decor is very simple and homely. The restaurant is
run by 93 year old Boman Kohinoor who was so friendly and you can tell he really enjoys
talking to customers. On learning that we were from London he enthusiastically showed us
laminated letters from the Queen and Hilary Clinton and with cut outs of William and Kate
decorating the restaurant it's clear he has a real love for the Royal Family. In fact I read
 that he'd recently met them on their trip to Mumbai and I couldn't be more pleased for him!

Our second dish was a really tasty mutton in tomato sauce with crispy potato topping. The meat
was so tender and juicy and the lightly spiced sauce delicious for dipping our flat breads in.

Saving the best till last and Britannia & Co is famous for it's pulaos. A fragrant rice
dish with caramalised fried onions and berries with bitesize little chunks of meat hidden
 underneath. This was a real flavour explosion and a must try if you ever in the area.

Preferring a lighter dessert option myself I wasn't such a fan of the creme caramel or
baked yogurt but the other two really enjoyed it and both dishes were soon polished off!

Sometimes the simpler things in life are the best and for a truly authentic Parsi meal I would definitely recommend giving Britannia & Co a visit if you're ever in Mumbai. Make sure to say hi to the owner too, he's a real character and I'm sure he'll tell you all about his meeting with the royal family!

You can also check out my Hyderabad photo diary here and Mumbai photos here

Have you ever tried Parsi food? What are your current favorite restaurants?

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