
22 March 2016

Life - February and March round up

Without a doubt the highlight of my month (and year) so far has to be our incredible 10 day trip around India. There's just something about being on holiday that I find so motivating and inspiring! I can't wait to start working on my photo diaries and restaurant reviews but first a look back over the rest of February and March:

Taj Mahal, India

Anniversary celebrations

February is always a special month for us as we celebrate our anniversary and Valentine's, and it's crazy to think that we've been together for nearly 10 years now!

Sunday roast at Zelman meats

Continuing with our quest to try out new steak restaurants we came across Zelman Meats, a relatively new opening from the Goodman group in Soho. Unfortunately on Sundays they only offer a set roast menu option but we both loved the Picanha steak which was so tender and well flavoured that we'll definitely have to go back and try the full menu. Plus they offer a really good selection of cocktails which would be perfect for dinner with friends. 

 BGO games and movie night (photo from JoeBlogs)

Another recent highlight was the games and movie night with BGO. Despite being a huge superhero fan I've never got round to seeing any of the X-Men movies but really enjoyed Days of Future Past which had me captivated right from the start. We also got to play some of the new BGO Marvel slot games and somehow I even won a prize for being a top scorer on the night!

Flower arranging with Wonderush

I was recently offered a trial of Wonderush, a monthly subscription website which lets you sign up for all sorts of classes and experiences around London. It's particularly good for health and fitness but also has lots of craft options such as flower arranging which I went along to one Saturday morning. I don' think mine was the best attempt but it was a fun session and I've certainly picked up a few tips for future reference.
Hyde Park run

This year hasn't been the best for exercise but after a long break I finally dusted off my trainers at the weekend and surprisingly managed my first ever run without stopping once - I think it was all the walking in India which helped to build my fitness up. I'm now super achy but it feels so good to be back on the fitness bandwagon and I'm really hoping I'll have the motivation to keep it up as we go into Spring and Summer.

How was your February and March? Do you have any tips for staying motivated and keeping fit?


  1. Oh my that steak looks mouth watering! I will have to check this place out! Have you tried Flatiron in Covent Garden? Their steak is amazing! Great post my lovely xx

    1. Ooh I haven't yet but I've heard it's meant to be really good, thanks lovely x

  2. Beautiful photos :)
    I've always wanted to visit India, can't wait to read your posts!
    ♥ Fran - xx
