
21 October 2015

Top tips for a more flawless complexion

For the last 2 years I've struggled with my skin - a combination of factors meant that it looked far from best and I was constantly battling dry/dehydrated patches and spots. Recently though I've made a couple of skincare/lifestyle changes and the other day it hit me just how much more balanced and clear my skin has become. So today I thought I'd share my top tips for achieving a more flawless complexion: 

Top tips for a more flawless complexion, Skincare, Tips, Flawless complexion, Hydraluron, Maxfactor, Olay, Emma Hardie, Clean and clear, Water, Exercise, Beauty, Lifestyle,
Top tips for a more flawless complexion - my current skincare routine

1. A good skincare regime
It's taken me a while to achieve this but my top tip would be to sit down, have a good look at your skin and work out what the issues are. For me it was very much dehydration and constant spots. From there I went through my skincare regime, figured out which products were working and what new additions I needed. I still love Emma Hardie amazing face moringa cleansing balm but I've reintroduced Hydraluron back into my skincare routine (review here) and added in a new moisturiser which has made all the difference. Olay 3 point age-defying cream is rich and nourishing without being too heavy or greasy and feels instantly soothing on the skin. It gently exfoliates to renew the skin and I like that it targets the first signs of aging, something which is definitely high on my list of priorities now that I'm in my late twenties. I still get the odd spot from time to time but it's far less frequent now and they don't seem to last nearly as long. A good spot gel always helps though and Clean and Clear does just the trick. 

2 Exercise
Whilst the skincare routine would have no doubt helped, I'm sure that exercise played a big part in helping my skin to look clearer. At the moment I'm doing 30 day shred every 2-3 days with some sit ups and push ups in between. I want to get back into running regularly and I'm hoping to alternate my home workouts with some swimming and exercise classes too. 

3. Staying hydrated 
Water not only flushes out the toxins, it also helps to plump up cells and helps you to stay more mentally alert. I try to aim for 6-8 glasses a day and I find that having a big bottle on my desk really helps as its there to hand, and I'm far more likely to drink if I'm not constantly having to get up to refill my glass. 

4. Make up
Finally don't underestimate the power of makeup. Now I'm not saying you should cover up spots etc with a heavy base but for days when you want to look more flawless a good foundation can make all the difference, evening out the skin and blurring over minor imperfections. I really liked Maxfactor miracle match foundation as it offers a buildable light to medium coverage, has nourishing ingredients and doesn't cling to any dry patches. I'd say it has a semi-matte finish and I find that it lasts well throughout the day with needing any touch ups. 

Now I'm by no means an expert but I hope these tips will help and if you have any suggestions or product recommendations then please do let me know on the comments below. 

Do you also struggle with your skin? What are your top tips for a more flawless complexion? 


  1. Great tips! I really need to try Hydraluron! X


    1. Thanks Sam! Hydraluron really is a winter staple for me, hope you'll like it too x
