
8 October 2015

Cooking with Neff, Great British Bake Off style

Having watched Great British Bake off all summer and with the final just last night it's safe to say that I'm currently obsessed with all things baking, bunting and of course cake, plenty of cake! So when Neff, the makers of the famous GBBO slide & hide ovens got in touch and asked if I'd like to try it out for myself, I jumped at the chance:

Neff, Pork and boar burgers
Neff, Pork and boar burger recipe
Neff slide & hide oven, Pork and boar burger

Located in Milton Keynes, their showroom is literally a baker's heaven and after a quick intro we were put in charge of making lunch. Me and the lovely Maria cooked pork and boar burgers (definitely the best dish of the day if I say so myself) and they were absolutely delicious. Juicy little bites served on flatbreads with stewed apples and onions all drizzled with a sharp balsamic vinegar glaze. They were surprisingly easy to cook too and the slide & hide doors added to the excitement as we were able to get much closer to the burgers when checking on them during cooking. I've included the recipe above and I'll definitely be recreating them again myself for dinner soon. 

Neff, Salad, Quiches, Lunch

Lunch also included a whole host of other baked goods, including no less than 3 quiches and a healthy but yummy cous cous salad. It turns out the ovens have a cool conduction system which means that flavours don't mingle during cooking so the professional bakers also knocked up a tray of delicious looking scones for our afternoon tea.

Neff slide & hide oven
Neff, Baking masterclass

At this point we were all absolutely stuffed, but the food kept on coming! According to the bakers the pre-made bread mixes are just as good but much more hassle free as you only need to add milk/water. A quick blend in the mixer followed by half an hour in the steam oven and we had a savoury and sweet tear & share bread to eat. To make these you simply sprinkle with the filling of your choice then either roll into a circle or cut into buns and bake together on a metal tray. 

Neff, Tear and share bread, Scones, Afternoon tea
Neff, Strawberries dipped in chocolate, Dessert

A lot of the time I'm discouraged from baking as I think it'll take too long but aside from all the delicious food Neff have taught me that with a little pre-planning (and some cheat packs) that doesn't need to be the case at all. Safe to say that along with the Great British Bake Off it's definitely reignited my love of home cooking and I'm now dreaming of owning one of their slide & hide ovens for my kitchen.

Have you watched Great British Bake Off this year? What did you think of last night's final?

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