
1 January 2015

Holiday highlights - Taiwan part 2

 Happy new year everyone, hope you've all had a good time last night and 2015 will be your best year yet! I'm hoping to write a reflective post later this week but for now here's part 2 of my Taiwan holiday highlights:

Although most of our time was spent in central Taipei we also had a couple of days to
 explore further afield. My favourite of which was the Tamsui district which had a lovely
 beach side feel thanks to it's pretty waterfront, and I really enjoyed browsing it's many 
food and souvenir stalls. 

There were some beautiful gardens nearby but I just 
had to include this photo for all the selfies!

Back to central Taipei and we were treated to the most amazing afternoon tea. Now I'm
a big fan of the British version but this one trumps it hands down. With a huge spread of
of dishes, from dim sum to roast beef, sandwiches to sushi and everything in between. The 
desserts platter was just as impressive - shown above is only a small selection of what 
was on offer. Definitely one of the highlights of my trip and I'd love to go back again.

No trip to Asia would be complete without a visit to the temple - there was 
actually a public prayer session in this particular one when we visited

Another highlights was visiting Shi-Lin night market. Open till the early hours there's 
just about every stall imaginable - I particularly enjoyed shopping for new jewellery 
and handbags but there were plenty of mobile accessories and gadgets too. There's also an
underground food court which serves an impressive selection of dishes. Taiwan is famous
 for it's street food and there's no better place to try than at a night market. If you ever get the 
chance to go I'd highly recommend the pork buns and Hot star giant crispy fried chicken.
All too soon though it was time to say our goodbyes. After one last Szechuan feast, bubble
 tea and wander around the nearby uni (where we saw no less than 3 wedding shoots) it 
was time to head back to the hotel, pack our bags and get ready for the airport.

Taiwan it's been a great trip, thank you for being so amazing!

Part 1 of my Taiwan holiday highlights here.

 Did you have a good New Year's eve? What were your 2014 holiday highlights?


  1. Oh looks like lovely time spent there :) Photos are super cute and I like food moments :)

    Happy New Year!! :)
    Kapege life moments :)

    1. Thanks lovely, I really enjoyed the trip and it's so nice to have photos to look back on. Happy new year! x

  2. Oh mannnnnn, all the food looks delish! Looks like you had an amazing trip! Happy New Year! :)


    1. Thanks lovely, the food was so good in Taiwan! Happy new year x
