
2 January 2015

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015!

It's become somewhat of a tradition to reflect on the year gone by and to look forward to the next 365 days. I always feel like I've not achieved much but looking back 2014 was pretty eventful and it's probably been one of my best and busiest years so far:

I started the year commuting to and from Kent and ended the year back in London and with a new job and living with the boyfriend. Definitely my biggest highlight this year. I'm so glad those depressing Sunday evening train journey are now a thing of the past and these days whenever I get a train back to Victoria I instantly get that Friday feeling and feel so happy and lucky to be back in London. 

Another reoccurring theme for 2014 was friendship and I'm grateful to have made new friends as well as reconnecting with old friends whom I'd not seen much the year before. I also feel like I did lot of growing up in 2014 and although I now feel old on a regular basis it's nice to be more confident and happy in myself. 

Now that I'm working full time I've come to appreciate holidays so much more and this year I was able to visit both Paris and Taiwan. Plus I had a lovely 2 weeks off in July when the weather was absolutely beautiful and I had the chance to rediscover and fall in love with London all over again. 

Peonies and lilies turned 5 back in August and it's crazy to think that something I'd started as a student back in 2009 would become such a huge part of my life. Through the blog I've been given some great opportunities and met so many people some of whom I'm now good friends with.

Looking back at the resolutions I made it's safe to say they were a big fail. Between the long commutes and subsequent upheaval of moving 2014 was probably my busiest and unhealthiest year yet (although things did start to improve a little towards the end of the year). For 2015 I want to focus on just 3 resolutions:

1. Be healthier, eat out less, do some exercise and hopefully lose weight along the way.

2. Dedicate an hour or two each weekend to being more organised, staying on top of admin and preparing for the week ahead.

3. Be more adventurous, break out of my comfort zone and make the most of new opportunities in 2015.

In addition I'd also like to travel more, get back into reading, declutter, take more photos and hopefully decide once and for all where my future career lies. I always like to make goals for the blog too and this year I'm going to aim for a regular schedule of 3 posts a week, a new updated design as well as more food and lifestyle content.

How was your 2014? What are you hoping to achieve this year?


  1. It sounds like you had a lovely year and have set some great goals. I recently wrote my goals on my blog too :)

    Cat from Outside Beauty, Inside Health
