
29 December 2014

Sponsored video - Nivea Sun

It may be the depth of winter here in the UK, but now that Christmas is over I can't stop thinking about summer holidays. Long term readers will know that I visited Australia back in 2011 (wow has it been that long already!) and recently I've been giving a lot of thought to going back, especially after watching this video which reminded me just how beautiful the weather was out there:

Although I loved the hustle and bustle of Sydney, two of my favourite memories were sailing around the Whitsundays and snorkelling in the Great Barrier Reef. There's just something so magical about being out at sea with the sun on your back and nothing but clear waters ahead. Being a skincare obsessive I'd packed plenty of sunscreen for the journey but in typical holiday mode I'd forgotten to reapply after swimming and had my first ever sunburn that day - not a fun experience and certainly not something I'd want to repeat again.

I think that's why this video struck a cord with me. To encourage people to take more care in the sun Nivea have teamed up with American artist Thomas Leveritt to make a short film using a UV camera to demonstrate the effectiveness of sunscreen. It showed that even perfect looking skin can be sun damaged and highlighted the importance of using sunscreen especially when on holiday. I know I'll be reapplying more regularly next time and can't wait to go on holiday again next summer!

Have you ever been to Australia? What are your favourite holiday destinations?

*Post sponsored by Nivea

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