
12 August 2014

Summer highlights

Firstly sorry for the lack of blog posts this month. August saw the start of a new job for me and along side that a permanent move back to London. Rather annoyingly my laptop decided to play up as soon as I moved back and coupled with the beautiful weather outside I ended up taking a bit of an impromptu break. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and after a year splitting my time between 2 cities I couldn't wait to catch up with friends and enjoy all that London has to offer:

Making the most of the weather and going for a stroll along the Thames

Dim sum at one of my favourite restaurants in Chinatown

Soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying street performances along South Bank

Summer cocktails at Radio rooftop bar

Catching up with old friends and enjoying dinner at Burger and Lobster

Taking in all the famous sites and feeling super grateful to be back in London

Having taken a bit of a mini break I can't wait to get back into blogging again. Luckily the new job means more free time and I'm excited to share with you all my favourite beauty products, outfits, restaurant reviews and general life chit chat. I'm currently on the lookout for a new computer so if you have any desktop or laptop recommendations then please do let me know.

Have you been to any of the places mentioned above? What are your summer highlights? 


  1. Welcome back!!! The lobster looks tasty though... I'm so excited that I'll be visiting London this October, thus can't wait to see Thames River and also Big Ben

  2. Good to have you back Fei - both in London and on your blog! Hopefulyl this means I'll be seeing a lot more of you. That lobster looks awesome, and you must take me for dim sum again!

    Gem xx | flutter and sparkle - UK beauty and lifestyle blog
