
26 July 2014

Sponsored video - Slim fast moments

In 2013 I made an effort to eat healthier and exercise more, but a stressful new job and long commutes in 2014 meant all that went out of the window. Recently though I've been trying to get back on the bandwagon, after all we all want to look our best and without thick jumpers and jeans there's nowhere to hide under in the summer:

Whether it's health, appearance or a special occasion we all have our reasons for wanting to lose weight and this summer Slim.Fast are encouraging us to share these reasons using the hashtag #SlimFastMoments. Whether it's clothes not fitting or an unflattering photo I'm sure many of us have been there and the idea is to have a laugh and help motivate each other along the way.

Personally I'm lucky enough never to have been caught in an embarrassing situation, although there have been more than my fair share of unflattering photos and with several big events happening next summer I want to make sure I'm looking my very best. With the Slim.Fast 3.2.1 plan you can adapt it to your lifestyle and I like the idea of their meal bars as I'm always running late in the mornings and they're quick and easy to grab on my way to work.

Weight loss aside I'm also keen to improve my overall health, so as well as cutting down on the unhealthy snacks and takeaways I'll be re-joining the gym and exercising more. Slow and steady wins the race and I'm hoping that with some small changes to my diet and fitness routine I'm be looking my best and feeling most confident next summer!

Have you had any #SlimFastMoments? Any top tips to help me along the way?

*Post sponsored by Slim.Fast

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