Sponsored video - Nivea powder touch deodorant

Feminine but strong, playful yet mature and imperfect yet beautiful, never let it be said that us girls aren't full of contradictions, a concept which Nivea have focused on in the film for their new Powder touch deodorant:

Nivea powder touch deodorant

Watching the video (shown above), I'm impressed that Nivea have managed to promote the product without making it the main focus of the film. It unfolds almost like a story and as a consumer it is so much more interesting and captivating to watch.

A ballerina wouldn't be the first person to come to mind for a deodorant advert, but actually thinking about it, they're the perfect choice really. After all, what with having to dance all day and having their under arms constantly on show, they would be demanding more than the rest of us from a deodorant. And let's be honest, who wouldn't want the grace, femininity and physical fitness of a ballerina!

With warmer weather coming up, it's never been more important to wear a good deodorant (especially if like myself you live in London and have to commute during rush hour). The new quick dry Nivea powder touch range contains Kaolin, a clay mineral known for it's absorbent properties and with claims of forty eight hour dryness, softness of the skin and a light citrus floral scent, it could certainly be a contender for this summer.

To follow the ballerina's story or to find out more about the range, click here

Have you tried the new range of Nivea powder touch deodorants? What are your top tips for keeping cool this summer? 

*Post sponsored by Nivea

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