
23 March 2014

A wander around Greenwich market

At the start of the year I had 2 aims - incorporate more lifestyle posts on Peonies and lilies and spend more time exploring new areas of London. With that in mind, armed with our oyster cards and cameras, we decided to go for a little wander around Greenwich market yesterday:

As it was around midday we headed straight for the food stalls, and boy were we spoilt for choice. After a quick stop to smell some amazing tea blends, we went about the hard task of choosing what to have for lunch.

With everything from Sushi to bento, wraps and burgers there really was something for everyone. Perphaps most impressive was the Korean food stall, where almost everything was cooked fresh to order. In the end we opted for a beef stir fry and a messy but oh so delicious minced lamb and hallumi cheese wrap. If it's a sunny day like yesterday then I'd highly recommend walking to the nearby park where you can enjoy a spot of sunshine and people watching over lunch.

The desserts didn't disappoint either. Having sampled various options I'm pleased to report that the millionaire's shortbread and warm churros with caramel/chocolate dipping sauce were both absolutely delicious and well worth the long queues. 

Bellies filled, we started browsing all the different craft stalls. I particularly enjoyed the home decor and skin care stalls, but there were plenty more to choose from - perfect if you're on the lookout for unique presents for friends and family.

Cutty Sark was just around the corner too, and although we didn't go on board it was fun to look around, marvel at the design and act like a tourist taking lots of photos. All in all, it was a really delicious and fun day out. If you're ever at a loose end then I'd definitely recommend having a look around London's many markets. Next on my list are Spitalfield's and Borough market, but if you have any other suggestions then please do let me know in the comments below.

Have you ever been to Greenwich market? Did you get up to anything nice this weekend?


  1. I'm lucky enough to go to uni in Greenwich- in the huuuge naval college just to the right of the cutty sark. If you're ever that way again- i highly recommend the Painted Hall on campus- it's open and free to visitors, when they're not filming movies in there that is.
    I have to avoid the food stalls in the market most days- otherwise my students loans would quickly dispaear on dimsum and churros!!

    1. Fiona - I'm so jealous that you go to uni around such a nice food market. We'll definitely check out Painted Hall next time we're in the area, thanks for the tip x
