
17 January 2014

Sponsored video - Slendertone abs belt

As is the case with most people, I aim to be healthy all year round, however come January (what with the over indulgences of Christmas and the promise of a new start) I always find myself trying just that little bit harder. Whilst there's no substitute for a balanced diet and an active lifestyle there is one product in particular that I've been wanting to try for years:

Using a clinically proven muscle stimulation technology, Slendertone abs belt promises to give users a full abdominal workout without the need to spend hours at the gym. Now I don't know about you, but the idea of a belt giving me a firmer more toned abdomen sounds super appealing, especially as it's one of the areas I'm most self conscious about. There are 10 programmes to choose from and some can even be combined with your usual exercise routine for a more intense workout.

Slendertone have also released their top tips for keeping yourself fit and healthy this year:

1. Keep alcoholic consumption to a minimum (just 2 glasses of wine can contain up to 380 calories).

2. Try power walking, skipping, cycling or circuit classes to increase cardiovascular health and burn off those extra calories.

3. Aim for at least 1.5 litres of water. Not only will it keep you hydrated, it'll help to fight off those 'hunger' pangs.

4. Eat a balanced diet of proteins, minimal fats and a small amount of carbohydrates too provide you with energy for those work outs.

5. Finally try wearing your Slendertone belt during exercise for maximum results.

If you'd like to give the Slendertone abs belt a try, then keep an eye on their Twitter and Facebook page where they'll be running competitions until 14th February 2014.

Are you also on a health kick this January? What would be your top tips?

*Post sponsored by Slendertone

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