
10 December 2013

Oral B presents: Life opens up - sponsored video

As some of you may know, I did a two months trip to Australia back in 2011 and since then it's always held a special place in my heart. So when Oral B emailed about about their new life opens up video (set in Bondi beach), I was instantly intrugued:

Oral B presents: Life opens up

In a rather cool experiment, Oral B set up a random phone booth on Bondi beach and waited to see what happened when it rang. Well it seem Australian's are far more likely to answer than us Brits, because belive it or not they had over 100 responses in just 2 days.

People were asked about their best decisions they've ever made and there are some lovely stories. Some were big such as adopting children, others less of a change, but still very important for that particular person.

Not surprisingly it got me thinking about my life and the decisions I've made too. In many ways, I still feel 18 inside, but looking back over the last 7 years, there have been some major changes in my life. I've graduated from university, made some lifelong friends, started a new job and moved to a different city.

The decision that lead to all those changes? Giving up my first choice after I got a better offer from a different university. Over the years, there have been many other decisions along the way too, some big, some small, but all have played a huge part in getting me to where I am now.

And the best decision that I ever made? Probably moving down to London for university. Either that or deciding to start Peonies and lilies back in 2009!

For more stories or to share your own, you can use the hastag #lifeopensup on Twitter.

What was the best decision you've ever made?

*Post sponsored by Oral B

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