
20 September 2013

What did you see today?

This week Boots set me a rather interesting challenge. It's national eye health week and to help spread the message they wanted to me photograph various stages through my day - a follow me around post if you like. Now seeing as I love watching vlogs, I thought it might be fun to do something similar myself:

 It all starts at 7.30, when my alarm goes off. After 5-10 mins 
of snoozing, I finally drag myself out of bed and blearily scroll 
through Instagram and Twitter as I get ready.

Seeing as this was done on a week day, the next few hours were spent at work. 
Unfortunately nothing interesting to document, but I am lucky that my job is quite 
interactive, something which I really enjoy. Around 1pm I grabbed some lunch, and on
 this particular day, I was able to pop home for a yummy feta cheese and parma ham salad.

Recently I've gotten into the habit of gyming after work, but on this 
particular day I decided to go shopping instead. Exercise guilt definitely
got the better of me though, and I went for a short walk afterwards.

If you follow me on Twitter then you may know I'm off to New York next
week. So shopping was mostly stocking up on travel essentials as well as
adding to my American wishlist. I picked up a couple of work outfits too.

Finally it was back home for some late night blogging, before 
settling down with a nice mug of hot chocolate and reading in bed.

I hope you found this blog post vaguely interesting and in the spirit of national eye health week, don't forget to care, sun protect and check your eyes regularly. Not only are they the windows into our soul, they can reveal a whole host of health problems too (eg. diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure).

What does your average day look like? Do you ever get exercise guilt too?

1 comment:

  1. What a fun post idea, my day at the moment mostly involves being glued to my laptop screen - eep. I love that hot chocolate, so yummy!

    Like you, I need to get into the habit of incorporating some exercise into my every day routine, I think a nice walk mid afternoon sounds good but when it comes to it, I'm way too lazy. All about routine though, right? Once I start hopefully it'll be okay!

    Jennie xo |
