
6 January 2013

Instagram 016 - Christmas 2012

An early pre-Christmas roast
Dim sum with an old friend

Visiting M+M world
Festive drinks

 Christmas dinner with friends
Browsing the German Christmas market 

Enjoying some Heston Blumenthal mince pies 
Bullring shopping centre looking all festive
Christmas feast, Oriental style 

 One last Starbucks red cup
Taking down our Christmas tree
Doing the #FMSphotoaday challenge

New Pandora jewellery
Love this heart decoration

Despite all the build up, Christmas seemed to be over in the blink of an eye and we are now well into January 2013! Having said that, looking through these photos and putting this blog post together has reminded me what a great month December was.

Since graduating, we've not always had much time to see each other, but with Christmas coming up, me and my old uni friends made a real effort to meet up and enjoy some festive food and drinks together. I thoroughly enjoyed our roast duck and it was great to catch up with everyone (some of whom I haven't seen for over a year)!

I also packed my bags and headed back to Birmingham for some quality time with the family. Whilst there, I made the most of what Birmingham had to offer, and spent a lovely afternoon browsing the German Christmas market and doing some last minute shopping in the Bullring.

Sadly, it's now time to face the real world, and I'll be heading back down to London later this week. January promises to be another exciting month though, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing what 2013 has in store for us all!

Did you have a good Christmas break? Have you made any exciting plans for 2013?


  1. Mmm this post has made me hungry, all of the food looks so good! I'm also doing the fmsphotoaday challenge, I'll be sure to folow you on instagram! x

    1. Haha it's making me hungry too, I'd love a roast dinner or some dim sum right now! Looking forward to seeing your FMSphotoaday photos x

  2. I'm at university in Birmingham, did you enjoy the German market? xxx

    1. I loved it, it's always such a nice atmosphere and I always feel so Christmassy whenever I visit. Are you enjoying life in Birmingham? x

  3. Such lovely photographs & I'm so happy you had a lovely Christmas! <3

    Jennie xo |

    1. Thanks Jennie, hope you had a good Christmas too x

  4. Looks like you had a lovely Christmas, the food looks amazing! x

    1. Thanks Lily! I wish I could go back and eat it all again! x
