
24 September 2012

Autumn/winter fashion part 1 - Guest post

Hi my name's Tanice and I write Tanice Talks About Things. Fei has kindly given me the opportunity to guest post for her!
SoI'm going to talk to you about one of my favourite times of the year when it comes to fashion - updating my Autumn/Winter wardrobe. I'm definitely a summer girl but there's something about warm winter buys which make me feel more grown up. The thought of buying hot chocolates in my new coat and rushing to finish my Christmas shopping in my cosy boots really excites me!
I'm not the biggest trend follower, if I see something I like I'll buy it (if I can afford it)! So rather than show you what is on trend for the A/W 12 season, I am going to share with you my 5 staple items for a winter wardrobe and the top picks of each from the high street and online. My hope is one of you will find your next find on here or at least draw some inspiration as to what you would like to add to your A/W wardrobe this year!
1- New Look - £39.99
2 - Topshop - £98.00
3 - Miss Selfridge - £65.00
4 - River Island - £55.00
5- Topshop - £65.00

A bit of an obvious one but yes the weather will be colder, windier and rainier so you will be needing a coat. I think that coats are one item of clothing you shouldn't skimp on. I usually buy one coat per year that I know will last me. I try to vary their colour and styles each year so I end up with a nice selection to choose from. There's a lot of different styles around this year so I chose my favourite styles. A faux fur jacket is pretty much the epitome of a winter warmer and I just love New Look's selection this year - snuggly yet affordable. A cape style coat is flattering on most figures but on tall girls it will show of your amazing legs to no end, I love the berry coloured one from Topshop. A mac is the ultimate piece in the working girls wardrobe and there's nothing like a beige Burberry-esque coat to make you feel stylish. I can't make up my mind on the leather sleeved jackets but I know these are doing the rounds this season and River Island do a nice casual version of this. A good leather jacket is a must have and Topshop have done a studded take on this which I know we will be seeing on everyone this year!

1 - New Look - £2.99
2- H&M - £6.99
3 - Topshop - £20
4 - New Look - £7.99
5 - Miss Selfridge - £14
6- River Island - £17
7 - New Look - £5.99

In the winter I find a wear less jewellery as less of my skin is on show. My watch will always have pride of place on my wrist but I'd rather keep warm by having scarfs wrapped around me instead of a necklace. I really like snoods and think the pretty skull one would loo great with an all black ensemble. I am really drawn to the cat scarf - I love to be comical but cannot get on board with those horrible bear ear hats that seem to be on trend every winter! Tights and over the knee socks are my go to product for winter; there is nothing I love to wear more in autumn/winter than a knitted jumper, skater skirt and knee high socks inside my boots! Of course for at home comfort you need some warm fluffy slippers and the aztec print on these River Island ones can remind you of the great summer you've had!

Thanks so much Tanice for sharing your Autumn/winter inspirations. Part 2 will be up later this week so don't forget to check back for more outfit ideas.


  1. I love winter fashion way more than summer :) Great post i love the cat scarf !

    Beautiful Dreams

  2. Nice!
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