Instagram 010

Birthday dinner/Cocktails/New shoes

Pizza/New fragrances/The yummiest chicken salad

Relaxing at Baglioni spa/Pretty new things/French treats

My Instagram username is Peonieslilies if you'd like to follow me on there.

How nice has the weather been recently? After months of cold temperatures and rain, it's so nice to finally dig out all my summer clothes and flip flops! Because it's been so hot, I've not worn much make up, but I am loving nail varnishes and accessories at the moment!

As you can see, it's been another food filled fortnight, but I am slowly getting back into cooking and exercise, so at least it's a bit more balanced. If like me, you struggle to find the time (and motivation!) to exercise, then I'd definitely recommend taking a look at the LiveStrongWoman Youtube channel. They've got some great workouts and it's really helped to get my fitness back on track.

I'm also thinking of investing in some Zaggora pants and a juicing machine, so if you have any recommendations, then please do let me know :)

What have you been up to recently? Who are your favourite Youtubers?

Ps. If you'd like to guest blog on Peonies and lilies, then click here to find out more :)


  1. I love mint chocolate too! the solid perfume looks so pretty :) x

  2. the food looks great!
    i'm hungry =))

  3. I almost drooled looking at the food pics. :) Now I'm hungry again. haha..

    Very nice blog. Wanna follow each other? Let me know. :)

    xo - Sheila

    1. Haha I often find myself drooling at other people's Instagram food photos too! x

  4. That solid perfume is so cute!
    All that food has made me so hungry now :)

    1. Isn't it just! Hope you manage to treat yourself to something nice to eat tonight x

  5. Love the nail polish its so pretty

  6. Cute shoes, yummy food, nail polish, makeup and perfume!

    Ah, I've been so busy and eating so much this Summer that I need to get back on track with my exercises too. Thanks for the link to livestrongwoman!


    1. You're welcome, I hope you'll like their videos too x


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