Glossybox July 2012 - Festival glam

Glossybox has become something of a monthly highlight for me, and this month's box is all about getting festival ready and looking glam on the day:

Glossybox, Glossybox uk, Glossybox july 2012, Glossybox festival glam,Glossybox review, Peonies and liliesCompared to last month's make up centred box, I definitely prefer this month's offering, especially as it contains the much raved about NUXE body oil.

Of the 5 products, I'm most hesitant to try the Monu night cream, simply because it sounds too rich for my skin. I do however like the bonus satchet of Elizabeth Arden skincare. You can also trade in the information card for a more deluxe sample at one of their Debenham counters.

The N6 perfume starts off quite masculine, but settles to a rich evening fragrance, and I love the bubblegum pink lip frosting, even if it does smell very sickly sweet.

RRP £10 (plusP&P)*, available from

Are you a Glossybox subscriber? What did you think about this month's box?


  1. I have a Glossybox and I adored this month's box. I really wish I'd had this Monu night renewal cream though. I love Monu products. Still, I'm very happy with what I was sent! They've really pulled out the stops this month I think - especially with the extra sachets!

    Helen xxx

    1. Glad you liked your box too, they've featured Monu quite a lot recently, so maybe you'll get more of their products in future boxes x

  2. I wish I had the money to subscribe to glossybox as well as joliebox! This box looks amazing :)

    1. I really want to try Joliebox too, their boxes always looks really good x

  3. This looks like a great box. I really want to try out those London fragrances. x

    1. The one I got is really nice. Maybe have a sniff in store? x


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