
24 August 2011

Aussie summer pack giveaway winners

Thank you for all your entries, there were some lovely comments and I really wish I could have picked all of you as winners.

Sadly there were only 7 prizes to be won and in order of entry, the winners are:

Congratulations girls! Can you please email me ( with your choice of a product and postal address by 4:30pm today (24th August).

Thanks again for your entries, and if you didn't win this time then check out my 2 year giveaway or leave a wish for the Fairy hobmother :)


  1. wow what a nice thing to see before bed! yay! thank you so much. emailing you now :-) congrats to all the other winners too x

  2. I missed this giveaway! Hopefully, I will catch the next one! Will keep my eyes opened. xxx

  3. How fab! Just signed in to see I've won. Was not expecting at all, thanks so much and am emailing now!xx

  4. Thank you! I have emailed my details! Congrats to the other ladies! :)
