Rave review- Burt's Bees tinted lip balms

When it comes to lip products, I love anything that's sheer yet moisturising, so not surprisingly, these new Burt's Bees lip balms have been a big hit with me:

L-R: Honeysuckle, Tiger lily, Pink blossom, Hibiscus, Rose, Red dahlia
(available from John Lewis and Feel Unique)

All 6 lip balms contain shea butter to help hydrate the lips and give it a nice creamy feel when applied. Although sheer to start off with, they can easily be built up for a stronger, more vibrant colour.

Of the 6 shades that I was sent, my favourite has to be Hibicus, a pretty berry shade that's close to my natural lip colour. In fact, its now my go to lipbalm during the day as it also doubles up as a lipgloss and saves me carrying 2 separate products.

Have you tried any of the Burt's Bees lipbalms? What's your go to lipbalm?


  1. Ooooo I love them! They look and sound amazing.

    Thanks for the review - must go check it out now.

    Love Tx


  2. Terri - You're welcome. I hope you'll like it too x

  3. These look amazing and so pretty! I love how moisturising they look on your lips! :)

    Gem x

  4. Gem - Glad you think so too, they feel so moisturising on the lips x

  5. I've never given these a go, they look great though! xx

  6. Mybutterfly63 - They're a relatively new product, but I'd highly recommend x

  7. my go to lip balm is carmex strawberry x

  8. kirstyb - That's on my list of lipbalms to try :) wish shops had more stock though as it always seems to be sold out x

  9. I havent tried them yet, but i would love to get my hands on them. My go to lipbalm is carmex cherry but theres no tint so maybe these would be a good alternative.
    <3 x

  10. cotton2- I find it as moisturising as Carmex, so if you want something tinted then definitely give this a try x

  11. Amrita from 6 inch stiletto's blogged about the tinted carmex lip balm!! CANNOT wait till it comes out here!! Eeeeeeks!! x

  12. burts bees don't really work for me but most people i know adore their lip balms! :)hibiscus does look super natural on your lips dear. :3

  13. i'm always tempted to pick one up whenever i passed by burt's bees. probably the packaging is not very appealing for tinted lip balm. maybe i will next time.

  14. I'm waiting till my current burt's bees blams is finished to pick up one of these (or 2)

  15. That's pretty! Where can you buy them from? How much are they each?

  16. Kaushal- How exciting, lets hope it launches in the UK soon x

    sugar sugar- Thank you x

    cushy - Definitely take a closer look next time, they're lovely x

    The Make-up Fairy - Happy shopping :)

    Bee - They're £5.99 and available online, in Boots and in department stores x

  17. Ooh these look good! :) I love a tinted lip balm in Winter!


  18. glamour rouge- Glad you think so too. Tinted lip balms are fab x

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