No 7 Poppy King lipstick in Intrugue

As you probably already know, lipstick legend Poppy King recently collorabated with No7 to create a range of lipsticks and I was kindly sent the shade 'Intrugue' to try out.

Texture wise, the lipstick is absoutely perfect for me, it applies very sheer and isn't at all drying so feels like a balm on the lips. This particular shade gives a lovely rosy sheen to the lips and is perfect for everyday wear.

I'm not too keen on the yellow polka dot box it comes in, but the actual casing is lovely. Lilac silver in colour, it looks sleek and expensive plus it closes with a satisfying click.

The lipstick looks smaller than usual, but at 3.5g, it's about the same weight as other No 7 and MAC lipsticks.

At £12, it is expensive for a high street lipstick, but No 7 are always doing £5 off vouchers, and at £7 this lipstick is definitely worth a try! For more information on the other shades, check out the promotional video below:

Have you tried any of the Poppy King lipsticks? What do you usually spend your voucher on?

Disclosure: Sponsored post, all views and opinions expressed are my own.


  1. I looked at this but weren't too keen on the colours. I have been developing an obsession with lipsticks though. Rimmel have been the brand for cheap but good ones. :) Never used to be a Rimmel fan before. I saw some Benefit ones yesterday and I fell in love with 3(!) of their lipsticks right there and then that I wanted to buy them all. But £14 is too much right now and I have a growing collection of lipsticks now! Oh, I bought the Superdrug Vitamin E Nourishing Night Cream and I think it's been breaking me out! :(

  2. Bee- I've not tried a Rimmel lipstick for years, but they have been several positive reviews in the blogging world for them. Benefit lipsticks are nice as well :) x

  3. That shade looks gorgeous. I inspected them when they came out, but I was broke and the recent vouchers had run out by the time I was prepared to buy! I think there were three shades in the range that I was interested in... They're probably sold out in my local by now, knowing my luck!

  4. konni- Which 3 shades were you interested in? I still see them in quite a lot of Boots stores, so hopefully your one will still have some stock left x

  5. They are always giving out those voucher! Must look for this, looks like a nice colour! x

  6. This shade looks gorgeous on your lips. x

  7. Computergirl- I know, I would never pay full price for No 7 products, just wait a few weeks and you can save £5! x

    LilyLipstick - Thank you x

  8. Passo per un saluto..molto carino il tuo blog!
    nel mio sei la benvenuta se vorrai!! Ti aspetto anche solo per un'occhiata!

  9. That colour is really beautiful and it really suits you :)

  10. The Make-up Fairy- Thanks, I really like it x


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