
20 November 2010

NOTD: Barry M dusky mauve nail paint

After weeks of searching I finally found a bottle of this nail varnish and I have to say it's definitely worth all the hype!

I would describe it as a very deep mauve colour that can look more grey or purple depending on the lighting. Also when it catches the light, it gives a purple irridescent colour which is absoutely beautiful.

The formula is a little on the watery side, so 2 coats are needed, but it dries quickly and gives a glossy finish to the nails.

(with flash)

It's an Autumn/Winter must have and many bloggers have said this is an almost exact dupe of Chanel Paradoxal, one of the most talked nail varnishes this year!

It's pretty hard to get hold of in store at the moment, but if you do spot one then I would definitely recommend buying it.

Don't forget you can also enter my giveaway for your chance to win a bottle.

Are you a fan of this shade? What's your must have colour this Winter?


  1. Fab colour. I guess I might have to hunt this shade myself! x

  2. Beauty Addict - It's gorgeous isn't it! x

    Princesa Livia- Try Superdrug at Westfield, that's where I found mine x

  3. gorgeous color! its a shame we dont have barry m in the states!


  4. Ofra Cosmetics- Thanks, glad you like the colour x

    My Beauty Musings- Thanks, have you entered my giveaway? x

  5. Gorgeous color, very unique :)

    @My Beauty Musings I think you can order online from their website, I'm in Greece and that's what I did ;)


  6. Lovely colour you have lovely nails x

  7. Stavroula @drugstoreandbargainlover- Thanks, I love how it changes colour depending on the lighting x

    The Brunette- Thank you lovely x
