For the last couple of month I've been experimenting with different products and trying to use up old shampoos and conditioners. But now I've finally found a haircare routine that really suits my hair, including one or two products from brands that I never thought I'd be using as part of my haircare.

I tend to wash my hair every 2/3 days and the products of choice are
Pantene aqua light shampoo and conditioner. This range is designed to nourish hair without weighing it down, and it really does what it says on the bottle.
They both have a gorgeous fruity fresh scent and they leave my hair feeling smooth and silky but not overloaded with silicon like some other Pantene products. Both products rinse out easily and although my hair doesn't have any more volume, it does feel lighter and with dry shampoo, I can get away with not washing it for 3 days!

Since using the Pantene, I don't really need to use a build up removal shampoo, but as I already own the
Boots expert build up removal shampoo I like to use it once a fortnight to deep cleanse my hair.
Click here to read my full review.

I also like to deep condition the ends of my hair, so once a week I'll use either the
Andrew Collinge moisturize & protect conditioner or the
Herbal Essences seductively straight intensive mask.
The Andrew Collinge has a gorgeous ainseedy scent which lingers after washing. It's a creamy conditioner that rinses out easily and always leaves my hair feeling soft and smooth. It comes in a huge 500ml bottle and as you only need to use a little bit each time, a bottle will last for months!
The Herbal Essences has more of a fruity scent and because its a hair mask, it does take a little longer to rinse out. However it's definitely worth the effort, because it leaves my hair feeling so smooth and silky. This comes in a 200ml tub and again you don't need to use much so expect a tub to last for ages!

In between washes I like to use
Tresemme dry shampoo. For years I used Batiste but the particles in this are a lot smaller, so it feels less powdery and chalky. It also has a lovely fresh floral scent which isn't too overpowering. It comes out as more of a liquid, so you need to wait a minute for it to dry, but once rubbed in, it really helps to soak up any grease and refresh my hair.
Ironically Pantene and Tresemme were my least 2 favourite haircare brands, but after trying the aqua light range and dry shampoo, they have definitely improved the quality of their products and I would happily recommend if you want to try some new haircare products.
What haircare products are you loving at the moment?