My experience of leg waxing- Ministry of waxing

At the weekend I was invited for a half leg wax at Ministry of Waxing, a quirky little salon in central London.

(photo from Google images)

After a quick health questionnaire on arrival, I was taken downstairs to the treatment room. To start with my legs were wiped clean and sprinkled with talc powder. The hot wax was then directly applied from a roller tube and a cloth strip used to remove the wax and hair.

I've never had a professional wax before so I was a little apprehensive, but luckily my therapist Nicola was friendly and a very good waxer. The wax, although very warm, wasn't at all hot or uncomfortable, and she removed the strip quickly so I didn't find it painful. It felt very similar to pulling off a large plaster.

At the end of the session, I was given a little information card with some aftercare tips and advice. Because she was very quick, I was in and out of the salon in 15mins

The downside of waxing is that it won't remove hairs below a certain length, and because I'm a regular shaver, I had some hairs that were too short to be waxed, so my legs weren't 100% smooth.

However fuzziness aside, I was very impressed and with results expected to last 2-4 weeks I am definitely a new waxing convert. In fact I'm getting the other half of my legs waxed on Wednesday :)

Are you a regular waxer? How are you keeping your leg hair free this summer?


  1. I love going to get my legs waxed. It makes you feel so clean for a month afterwards. and its always a pampering experience!! ♥

  2. i love the feel of waxed legs though i find i cant wait between waxes - unless its winter so i much prefer epilating - bit more painful but less time n ud ont need to wait for hairs to grow too long, and i still shave wen i cnt wait between epilating - soooo basically i just dont like the wait :P

  3. Anya- I know what you mean, its nice not to worry about hair removal for a few weeks x

    Amina- Haha same, I had to wear leggings and jeans during one of the hottest weeks this summer! Epilating sounds like a good solution, really need to give that a go x

  4. i use to get my legs waxed every 6 weeks, and loved it, but now ive been getting ipl on my legs.

  5. i used to get my legs waxed all the time, my hairs would grow super quick...but like Harpreet...i've not had them lasered x

  6. Harpreet- How are you getting on with IPL? x

    BeautyGeeek, Kishmat-Lola - Seems laser is the new way to stay hair free! x

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I love the IPL, ive had it done on my face, arms and half legs. Im tanned but my body hair is black :-( i hate it, but IPL has really helped, and ive noticed some places with no regrowth at all. its a slow process but I really do recommend it!

  9. I just had my arms waxed. It took at least 25 minutes but I'm happy with the results! Following!

  10. Harpreet- That's really good, I've just done my second session so hopefully I'll get results that are just as good x

    Café Bellini- That's good, thanks for the follow x


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