Aussie luscious long fairytale party

A few weeks ago I was lucky enough to attend the luscious long fairytale party, which was hosted by Aussie. I'm not actually an Aussie Angel, but the lovely Ling kindly invited me and Carla along as her guests for the evening.

To start the evening off, we were given a demonstration of 2 up dos and the hairdressers shared some of their tips for long hair.

We were then treated to some yummy food and cocktails and left to mingle with everyone.

Because there were people attending from all over the country I got to meet lots of lovely bloggers, including Amina, Lauren (and her friend Sarah) and Emma.

(Thanks to Ling for the photo)

We were also able to have our hair done and I had mine put into a pinned up do, which I really liked and will definitely be attempting to recreate myself.

(Ling getting her hair styled)

All in all it was a really fun night and it was great to meet some new bloggers.

Thanks again to Aussie for hosting the party and to Ling for bringing me as her guest!


  1. Love the blog! That hairstyle looks gorgeous btw!

    Sam :D

  2. It was a brill night. Thanks for the little mention! Was lovely to meet you xx

  3. Sammy_B- Thank you x

    Lauren loves- No worries, it was great to meet you at the event x

  4. Aw love your hair- great night and an unexpected bonus to meet you there! :) xx

  5. Computergirl- Thank you :) was lovely talking to you at the event x

  6. I love aussie!
    the hairstyle is soo pretty

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. wasnt it a lovely night?! :D aussie really no how to make it a gud night - thanks for the mention, was lovely meeting you - even tho i managed to get us a lil lost in the end haha x

  9. I love your hairstyle!

    When you try to recreate it, do a post, it would be great to see it (^_^)

  10. Sounds like a really fun event! That hairstyle is gorgeous for summer :) x

  11. The hairstyle is really pretty x

  12. Lauren- Thanks lovely x

    Amina- Was lovely to meet you at the event, haha it was an interesting end to the night! x

    Becky- Will do x

    LilyLipstick- It was a lot of fun, I wish I had a hairdresser to do my hair everyday lol x

    The Brunette- Thank you x

  13. this event looked amazing

    lucky girl :)

    love the hair


  14. wow sounds like such a fab event! i love your photos too x

    Blending Style, Beauty and Fashion

  15. Mon Cheri- Thank you, it was so nice of Ling to ask me along x

    Missy M- Thanks lovely x

  16. Ahh your hair looks gorgeous - Very classy! :)


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