Intense pulsed light works by producing a high intensity of light which is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. It is then converted to thermal energy, which cauterizes the vessel connecting to the base of the hair. This kills the hair, causing it to fall out and hopefully not regrow.

According to
E>one it is the first medical hair removal device for personal use and it can be used on tanned skin. It comes in a range of colours and I was sent the green one to try out.

Like other IPL machines you need to shave the area beforehand and ensure it is free of any product. You then use the touch screen to input your gender, hair thickness, skin colour and desired intensity, as well as a safety checklist to run through.

As it was my first time I decided to start at the lowest intensity. It was easy to use as I simply had to position the head on the area to be treated, press it into the skin and press the side of the head to zap. It then takes a few seconds to recharge before moving onto the next area.
It emits a bright red flash so goggles need to be worn and also a gel needs to be applied (which can get a little messy).

It takes about 30mins to do half a leg. I found the sensation quite varied, in some areas I didn't feel anything, some there was a flash of heat and in others it felt like flicking an elastic band over the skin. However although slightly uncomfortable it wasn't painful, and afterwards my skin wasn't hot or red.
After 8 days the hair should start to fall out by themselves and eventually stop growing after 10-12 treatments, so I will keep you updated with how I get on with it.
Have you tried IPL or any other treatments designed to achieve permanent hair loss?