Cloud Nine straighteners

My hair is normally fairly straight, but since my last haircut it has a tendency to kink and stick out when I wake up in the morning. Having always had quite a sleek style it really annoyed me and I resorted to sticking my hair under the tap and letting it dry again every other day in an attempt to restyle it. This was really inconvenient and I often left the house with the ends of my hair still wet, plus it didn't always get rid of the kinks. So you can imagine how pleased I was when Cloud Nine sent me a pair of their straighteners to try out.

Cloud Nine are developed by the founders of GHDs and their motto is less heat, more style. I was sent the normal iron which is suitable for most hair types, has a temperature control feature and 'unique black plates' to add shine.

The straighteners came in a simple black and turquoise box that made it look very expensive and luxurious and included a plastic heat guard, a travel pouch and an information blooklet with instructions on how to create the different hair styles.

Because my hair is fairly straight anyway and I'm conscious about heat damage I tend to use them at 100 degrees. The temperature control bit lights up when it gets to the correct temperature (seconds for 100 degrees and about half a minute for the highest temperature). The on switch and temperature control pad are both on the inside of the straightners and I was initially worried about accidently burning myself but luckily they are both far away enough from the heated plates to prevent that.

The straightners glides through my hair easily and it has a swivel cord for ease of movement. I prefer the blowdried rather than poker straight look and it normally takes me about 5 mins to straghten the ends to achieve this. According to the box the ceramic plates contain a secret ingredient to give a shiny, natural finish and indeed whenever I use the irons I'm left with sleek and shiny hair.

As I mentioned earlier it comes with a plastic heat guard which I found really useful, because I can just slip it on and leave the straighteners on the floor without worrying about it burning anything. It also has hibernation mode to automatically turn off after not being used for 30mins and although I tend to unplug it straight after use it does give me peace of mind to know that if I have accidently left it on it won't stay on and cause loads of damage!

As well as straightening both me and my flatmates have used this iron to curl our hair. I simply wrap my hair around the iron then drag it through to the ends for a loose curl and it takes me about 10-15mins to get a full head of curls.

Overall I'm really impressed and would definitely recommend if you are looking to invest in a pair of straighteners.


  1. Oh you are very lucky to recieve these! Great review. I have stopped straightening my hair recently because of the damage it has done. My hair is also naturally very straight so the high heat of my ghds was not needed. I love that these have a heat control. I am having my hair cut tomorrow so may need to straighten the ends but I am very conscious. I'd love to see some pictures of how it curls =) xx

  2. Pyxiee- Thanks lovely. The temperature control is so useful, will post some pics up when I next curl my hair x

  3. nice blog HONEY! :D I LIKE IT!!! great layout°

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  4. Well arn't you lucky! I really fancy trying these out but can't afford a set for a litte while yet.

    Best get saving :) xx

  5. Enjoyed reading this, thanks. I love my GHDs. I dont knwo how these would find my hair, and not sure I would stray from my GHDs without trying someone elses ones of these first.. I do worry about the heat part of GHDs though..

    Interesting design though and great box!
    Emma :)

  6. Abzzw- It was very kind of them. They are great straighteners x

    Computergirl- Thanks for the positive feedback, I was worried that the post was a little too long. Certain salons have them so you might be able to try there x

  7. Ooooh these look amazing! I adore GHDs, but I will have to check these out too!

  8. Dreams that glitter- Hope you like them x

  9. This product looks awesome!!! :)

  10. great review! i think i'll try these, as my ghds are about to die...

  11. Hope Chella- They really are very nice straightners to use :) x

    AH- Thanks lovely, let me know how you get on with them if you get a pair x

  12. Genuinely-how easy is it to curl your hair with these straighteners? Mine are on the old side now and the casing gets so hot, I'd be scared to wrap my hair around them...Have to say these look brilliant though, will def be considering getting them!

    P.S. I've nominated you for the Sunshine Award over on my blog-sorry I don't really comment a lot but I love reading your posts :)

  13. Liz Randell- I found it quite diff to co-ordinate at first but that was down to my lack of technique rather than the straightners. Once I figured how to wrap my hair around the straightners it was quite easy to do and the straightners glided through easily, leaving me with curls.

    Thanks so much for the award nomination x

  14. I was going to get a pair of cloud nine straighteners, but i dont know what size to go for what would you suggest.

  15. Rebecca - I'd suggest the standard irons, the micro ones are good for fringes, but will take too long to use all over x


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