
21 March 2010

Beauty questions tag

I've seen this tag on a few blogs and I really enjoyed reading everyone's answers so I thought I'd answer the questions myself:


(All the pictures are from Google images)

How many times do you wash your face daily?
Twice, once in the morning and once at night.

What skin type do you have?
Combination, it can get dry on my cheeks and tends to be oily on my t-zone.

What is your current facial wash?
Currently finishing up Clinique facial soap, but I much prefer Neutrogena 2 in 1 face wash and mask.

Do you exfoliate?
Yes, once or twice a week.

What brand do you use?
Origins Modern Friction/ No 7 radiance revealed exfoliator.

What moisturizer do you use?
Simple light hydrating moisturizer in the morning, Aldi nourishing night cream at night.

Do you have freckles?

Do you use eye cream?
Yes, I'm paranoid about getting wrinkles around my eyes.

Do you or did you have acne prone skin?
I've always gotten the odd breakout but never anything too bad.

Did you ever have to use Pro-activ?
No, the products seem very harsh.


What foundation do you use?
I don't usually wear any. For special occasions I like MAC face and body and Cosmetics a la Carte skin tint.

How about concealer?
MAC studio finish/select moisturecover.

Do you know your undertone colour?
Yes, I have a yellow undertone.

What do you think of false eyelashes?
I love how they frame and enhance the eyes.

Did you know that you are supposed to change your mascara every 3 months?
Yes, I never do though!

What brand of mascara do you use?
MAXfactor, I really like the false lash effect one.

Sephora or MAC?
I've never been to Sephora so it has to be MAC.

Do you have a MAC pro-card?
No, I wish I did!

What make-up tools do you use in make up application?
Brushes and occasionally my fingers.

Do you use make up base/primer for the eyes?
No, but I do dab some concealer onto my top lid.

For the face?
L'oreal studio secrets smoothing refursac
ng primer.

What is your favourite eyeshadow (colour or shade)?
I love neutral browns and smoky silver and black eyeshadows.

Do you use pencil or liquid eyeliner?
Both, pencil on the waterline, liquid on the upper lash line.

How often do you poke your eyes with a pencil eyeliner?
Almost never.

What do you think of pigment eyeshadows?
Never used them, they seem very messy.

Do you use mineral make-up?
Yes, currently using MAC MSF natural and I used to use mineral foundation.

What is your favourite lipstick?
No 7 sheer temptation lipstick.

How about lipgloss?
I love too many to choose just one.

What is your favourite blush to use?
Currently Maybelline dream mousse blush in peach satin.

Do you buy your makeup on Ebay?
I haven't yet, but I may in future.

Do you like drugstore makeup?
Love drugstore makeup, there are some great brands out there.

Do you go to CCO's (cosmetic company outlets)?
No, unfortunately I don't like near any.

Did you ever consider taking make-up classes?
Yes, and I would still love to.

Are you clumsy in putting on makeup?
Not usually, I've had a few years of practice to perfect my technique.

Name a makeup crime that you hate
Caked on foundation in the wrong shade.

Do you like colourful shades of makeup (lipstick, eyeshadow) or neutral ones?
Definitely neutral colours.

Which celebrity always has great make up?
Cheryl Cole, Lauren Conrad and Blair always looks gorgeous in Gossip Girl.

If you could leave the house using just ONE make up item, what would you use?
Concealer or powder, depending on the situation.

Could you ever leave the house without any makeup on?
Yes, especially if I'm running late.

Do you think you look good without any make up on?
I don't look horrendous but I definitely look better with some make up on.

In your opinion, what is the BEST makeup line?
Hmm, probably MAC, but I love lots of different bits from various drugstore brands.

What do you think of make up?
I love how it can be used to enhance your looks and make you feel so much more confident about yourself. And there are so many colours/textures and brands to choose from! I love swatching and buying make up and I find applying make up very relaxing and therapeutic.

I'd going to pass this tag onto anyone that wants to do it. If you do, link me to the post as I'd love to read your answers.


  1. I love MAC too! This was a great post~
    What kind of eyeliner do you use/recommend? If you ever want to change it up, I think L'Oreal Kohl pencil works pretty well. I use it but want to try out a new one since I'm almost done with I'd love to hear what you use!

    -Jane @ Brunch at the Beach

  2. Brunchatthebeach- I love the Maybelline line definer one for liquid eyeliner and for pencil eyeliner I like the Gosh ones, although I'm currently using a cheap Primark one x

  3. I did this post a few days ago -
