
5 February 2010

A new name- Peonies and lilies

I've decided to change the name of this blog slightly, so now its 'Peonies and lilies' instead of 'Peonies and water lilies'.

The old name felt too long, this is a lot easier to say and sounds just as pretty :)

(Image from Google)


  1. i really like the new name, it flows better and when i think of if i think of fresh, vibrant colors and youth... a great change for your blog.

    ive been thinking of changing my blog name, but i havent been inspired by anything yet.

  2. DoodleDaisy- Thanks lovely, the old name was just too long and didn't sound as nice.

    Its so hard to think of a name, I like yours though x

  3. I love it. Lilies are my favourite flower! I have some in a vase right next to my computer at the moment and they smell beautiful! xxx

  4. Loveaudrey- Thanks lovely, should have changed it a long time ago, it sounds so much better. Am very jealous of your liies, they look and smell great x

  5. I liked your old username, but this is just as pretty :) Is a smidge easier to think of / say though! xox

  6. I like the new name! Good luck with za exams btw!!

  7. Randomlondongirl- Thanks, am going to need it, got any tips? x

  8. CinnyLoves- Thanks lovely, glad the new one is easier to say x

  9. I love the name its original :) XO

  10. Love your blog name! Peonies are my favorite flowers!
