
28 November 2009

Blog awards

I've recently been nominated for 2 awards by some lovely bloggers (sorry its taken me so long to do this post).

xcharleymOox and Sinead both nominated me for the I love your blog award:

And Lisa-Jane has tagged me for the Kreative bloggers award:

Thank you so much girls, I really appreciate you nominating me for the awards. Please check out their fab blogs if you haven't already done so.

Instead of nominating some bloggers for these awards, I'm going to pass this onto all of my beautiful readers as a thank you for reading and commenting on my posts.

Also don't forget to enter my Xmas giveaway here if you haven't already done so x


  1. congrads on your awards! i've passed one onto you as a thank you for all your support x

    For all things fashion:

  2. Missy- Thanks for the award, and thanks for all your support as well x
